Gypsy cards meaning and layout

Blindfold layout: Self-awareness

A little self-awareness sometimes doesn’t harm, it helps to get a realistic picture of our personalities, our boundaries, our possibilities. Makes it easier to judge the intentions of others, the role of human relationships.

This simple four card layout gives a great answer for four simple questions.  It does not give answers to everything, and we still need a deeper confrontation with ourselves. The cards reveal a deeper message of the soul, the totem animals belonging to each card help with questions and draw attention to the tasks to be solved.

The analysis refers to a middle-aged woman.

1. Is known for the querent and for everyone (things that everyone knows about us and we also know about ourselves): House.
House means well-being and stability. Shows financial stability but she should feel spiritual strength as well. Wealth and security are important to her, and she does not make a secret of it.
The dove as a totem represents peace. It brings peace of mind to troubling thoughts and allows us to find renascence in the silence of the mind.
The message of the totem: what are the things that make me feel safe?

2. It is not known for the querent but known for others : Enemy.
She is her own enemy, the obstacles she creates herself. She has to find a balance between herself and her environment.
The raccoon is blessed with intelligent, high curiosity is not afraid to use tricks that often cause fear. They often wear a mask or feel the need to hide their “true inner being”.
The message of the totem: in which area of my life do I encounter obstacles?

3. Only the querent knows, others don’t: Desire
She is longing for someone or something, has a tendency of daydreaming. She won’t say, but secretly her primary task is experiencing her femininity.
The deer as a totem helps to be in harmony with our internal energies and to trust your femininity.
The message of the totem: What awakens the desire?

4. Not known to anyone: Widower
Subconsciously she is wise and experienced, should be brought to the surface, because she does contradictions without being aware of it. Probably it doesn’t get into her mind.
The bear as a totem gives wisdom and strength, teaches us how to be alone for a while which does not mean that we are lonely, but we have to turn inward to find ourselves, to gain strength.
The message of the totem: Lighten up and find the answers yourself.
