Lenormand cards - cross hairs layout

Lenormand card layout

This layout is very simple and easy to understand if we have a specific question. I've already done something like this, though it’s a little different. The question is about work, how the lady’s career develops in 2019.
The meaning of the cards: in the middle the Lady card, since she is the questioner, above that her thoughts and what is in her mind (snake), below what she doesn’t want to deal with (sun). Past is on her left (heart) to the right that stands ahead (lily). Cross right where events are going (bear + garden) and the result (man + moon).

We put the lady card in the middle.
In the past, the heart suggests that she had a good job, maybe she liked it, but certainly she did not have work-related problems. 

Her plans regarding changing career are not clear (snake), she is not on the right path, and most probably she knows it because this is in her thoughts right now. She does not notice the possibility, she could have lucky opportunities (sun) with a little help. In the future, she can expect success and harmony in work (lily).  Bear + Garden means that an influential friend or colleague will offer an option and will support her, later it could turn into a romantic relationship (male + moon) with emotional feelings.

Same layout with Gypsy oracle cards. The meaning of the cards are almost the same as Lenormand. 
