Reading Lenormand cards

Question: "When will there be a change in my career?"


I took the Fox card and used it as the focus or central card since this card represents employment or your job. The cards I pulled which are on the left and right were:
Ship – Dog – Fox – Fish – Whip

It would seem as though you have been wanting to have a change or some movement occur as the Ship card is a card of motion – and being near the Dog card, which is a card of loyalty, if you are looking to advance or “move” forward in your career – it would seem as though this chance will be coming up. The Fish following the Fox card and being in the future portion of the read, shows expansion, and opportunity which may come about due to one who is friendly towards you or whom likes you (Dog). 

When I see the Whip – this card can indicate a repetitive situation – so, if you are looking for this change to mix things up a bit as far as your daily routine at work – it is a good possibility due to the Fish being near the Whip. The Fish is a great card, as it also lends itself to money – and more of it. As far as timing, the Whip is often associated with November or 11 weeks, as far as a change occurring in relation to your career.

The Sum of the Cards is 8 or the Coffin card – which shows an ending that needs to occur before you would see a change in your career. What is interesting, is that while the Coffin card is often one that deals with the closing of a chapter, it can also indicate feeling boxed in – and with the Whip card in this spread that shows repetition, this may be what you are trying to get away from as far as making a change. The Ship card mirroring the Whip would seem to see you moving away from the current position or even job in order to pursue other options that would allow you to grow (Fish).
