There were only two choices now

It was Sunday afternoon and she was sitting quietly at home. One of those rare moments when she was not trekking somewhere or hanging around on one of the tropical islands. Her teenage son just came out from his room, where he went in on Friday. He just showed up to fix the router, because the Internet had gone for two long minutes. He murmured something then went back to play with his buddies on the computer.

In the meantime, she thought about her life. Last year it was a big turning point for her when she had decided to start a new life. Also, more and more of her female clients complained about difficulties managing family and work, and middle-aged men have disappeared. Yes, indeed. Where are they? She was convinced, that no baby boys were born in the 70s. The few remaining guys are all Digital nomads on Thai beaches. At least she has seen them there. Oh, whatever.

Recently, she had also become one of them. If not completely then at least partly. She had heard about free spirit, spiritual journey, and all that stuff. She convinced herself, that she can do it as well, what's so hard in it? And if it is spirituality, she hoped to close a big circle and to close her karma. It is a big trend now whatever karma means. She had no idea about it either but she was very much ready to leave all her past behind. Therefore, she quickly bought an ultra-lightweight laptop and started off.

The true fact was she definitely enjoyed her life to the fullest. She cannot complain about it as she feels great.
A couple of weeks ago, however, she got a job offer similar to what she used to do, an illustrious well- known organization but in a different country, far far away. And now the big dilemma is whether to take it or not.

This layout gives a great answer to that.

On the right, we put the indicator card, the judge since we talk about job, then we pull six cards and we put them in a vertical line. The top three show us what will happen if we change, the bottom three cards will talk about what happened if we continue in our current life.

According to this, if everything stays as before, the constancy, marriage, luck, cards show security, stable job and a very good financial situation which means long-term money. The future option is money, love, and priest showing that there would be also money, perhaps not as much as now, but this work would be good only if she could do it from heart, lucky if you would do it from heart to soul. It can be seen that both paths are equally good. The solution that the right card indicates will be a man, and as the lover card has come out, it is likely to indicate a future relationship, and the travel card confirms that.
