Petit Lenormand Cards

How to interpret lenormand cards

It has just occurred to me that I have not used my beloved Lenormand deck for years, so I’ve decided to dust it off.
Similarly to Gypsy Cards, Lenormand cards are not to be used to give us concrete “yes” or “no” answers. However, a simple three-card reading can offer valuable guidance prior to making important decisions. Although it is said that Ms Lenormand developed her set of symbols entirely from scratch, I suspect that there are some that have been “borrowed” from the Gypsy deck, such as House, Child and Fortune.
Just like the Gypsy Cards, the Lenormand layouts also allow for different methods of reading. When doing the three-card reading, the cards can either stand own their own, representing the past, the present and the future, or their meanings can be combined.
In the sample reading I have done, the querent has just started an online business, and is wondering if it will thrive.
The cards tell us that although our querent is demonstrating much enthusiasm and stamina in these beginning phases, he’s already been running into walls - mostly in the form of bureaucracy (Whip), which has been giving him a lot of headaches. Still, if he manages to get himself through these initial obstacles, then he is in for serious luck (Clover), and will most likely receive help from an outside source. Even so, he will also need to use his own inventiveness and some clever tactics (Fox) in order to achieve full success.
